Article 1 – NAME,

  1. The name of this organization shall be the Japan Student Branch of the Society for Information Display (SID), hereinafter called the Student Branch.


  1. The Student Branch is affiliated to Japan Chapter for purposes of support and guidance.
  2. The Bylaws of the SID shall ultimately govern the procedures of the Student Branch. However, no action or obligation of the Student Branch shall be considered an action or obligation of the Society, or the Student Branch Affiliated Chapter. A statement to this effect shall be imprinted on any contractual or financial agreement entered into by the Student Branch.
  3. The purpose and scope of the Student Branch shall be:
    1. to support the activities and purposes of the parent organization,
    2. to encourage and contribute to the educational advancement of its members in the field of information display,
    3. to provide forums for the exchange and dissemination of ideas relating to the field of information display,
    4. to afford an opportunity for students of information display science, technology and engineering to become better acquainted,
    5. to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association,
    6. to obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before information display audiences,
    7. to foster a professional spirit among the members,
    8. to instill a professional pride in the information display disciplines, and
    9. to foster an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern information scientist and engineer.
  4. Student Branches may be affiliated with other technical societies with an interest in display technology.

Article 3 – MEMBERSHIP

  1. The Student Branch Membership shall be limited to undergraduate, and graduate students of the universities in Japan.
  2. It is preferred that each Student Branch Member is to be a Student Member of SID.
  3. Student Branch Members may hold office, vote for Student Branch Officers, vote on such Student Branch business as required polling of the members. They shall have equal privileges including but not limited to the right to receive all notices of general Student Branch functions, and to attend all Student Branch meetings of a technical and a social nature.
  4. Membership in the Student Branch may be terminated only by one or more of the following reasons;
    1. voluntary withdrawal by the member by means of a written notice to the Student Branch Officers,
    2. for causes such as misuse of the Student Branch facilities, name, or other such activity that brings disrepute to the Student Branch or the parent body, the SID, as determined by the Chair of the Affiliated Chapter.

Article 4 – DUES AND FEES

  1. Each Student Branch Member with SID membership shall pay dues annually to SID in accordance with his/her SID Membership grade.
  2. Fees, if any, for attendance at technical meetings, or other Student Branch activities, shall be established by the Executive Committee of the Student Branch.


  1. The Officers of the Student Branch shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Student Branch, hereinafter called EC-SB. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined and held by one person. The EC-SB approves all activities and expenditures. The Student Branch executive committee shall manage the affairs of the Student Branch; pass upon and authorize the annual budget controlling expenditures; pass upon the eligibility of applicants for membership; fill all vacancies; approve all appointments; and consider and dispose of all matters referred to it by the Student Branch. Any duties not otherwise specifically mentioned which tend to better the welfare of the Student Branch may be assumed by the Student Branch executive committee, insofar as they are consistent with the objectives of the Society. No Student Branch Officer can speak and act for SID without express authorization by the SID.
  2. Chair: The Chair shall be the principal executive Officer of the Student Branch and shall supervise and control the business and affairs of the Student Branch. The Chair shall, when present, preside at all general meetings of the Student Branch. The Chair may sign in the place of the Secretary or Treasurer any bank checks, contracts, or other instruments which the EC-SB has authorized to be executed, and in general shall perform all duties incidental to the Office of Chair. The Chair shall be responsive to the wishes of the EC-SB in the performance of such additional duties as may be requested by the EC-SB from time-to-time.
  3. Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall, in the absence of the Chair or such person’s inability to act, perform the duties of the Chair and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions on the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall perform such other duties as from time-to-time may be assigned by the Chair or by the EC-SB.
  4. Secretary: The Secretary shall;
    1. keep a book of minutes of all general meetings of the Student Branch, and all meetings of the EC-SB. Minutes of the meetings shall include the time and place of holding, whether regular or special, and if special, how authorized, the notice thereof given, the names of those present or represented at members’ meetings, and the proceedings thereof,
    2. see that all notices are given in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws,
    3. be custodian of the Student Branch’s records,
    4. perform such other correspondence within and external to the Student Branch, and
    5. perform all duties incidental to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned from time-to-time by the Chair or by the EC-SB.
  5. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall;
    1. keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Student Branch’s properties and business transactions,
    2. have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Student Branch, and deposit all such funds in the name of the Student Branch in such depositories as shall be selected in accordance with Article 9 of these bylaws,
    3. provide financial information as required by the Affiliated Chapter Treasurer or the Executive Committee of SID and request a Student Branch rebate as established by the SID Board of Directors, and,
    4. perform all the duties incidental to the office of Treasurer, and such other duties as from time-to-time may be assigned by the Student Branch Chair or the Executive Committee.
  6. Voting on Student Branch matters shall normally be accomplished during meetings attended by a majority of the Officers. In the event that a meeting of the majority of the Officers cannot be held in a timely manner, a vote by e-mail, telephone, fax, or regular mail may be held if approved in advance by a majority of the Officers. Complete records of the vote in the form of minutes or hard copy of letters concerning outcome of the voting must be placed in the Student Branch records by the Secretary or other Officers and distributed to all members of the EC-SB.


  1. The EC-SB at its annual business meeting shall appoint as its Faculty Advisor a faculty member who is a member of SID, whose duties shall be to advise the Student Branch both in its local activities and in its relations with the Affiliated SID Chapter and SID. The Faculty Advisor shall be kept informed of all Student Branch activities and shall advise the Student Branch on any policy matters.


  1. The term of office shall be one year.
  2. Any Student Branch Member in good standing at the time of nomination, who also holds the SID grade of Student Member, is eligible for each office.
  3. The initial procedure for election of Student Branch Officers shall be determined by the founding members of the Student Branch, with subsequent elections determined by rules set by the EC-SB.


  1. There shall be at least one general business meeting conducted each fiscal year. This meeting shall be held at a time and place recommended by the EC-SB.
  2. A majority of the EC-SB shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business. A majority of the quorum shall be sufficient to approve any motion.
  3. There shall be at least two technical meetings conducted each fiscal year. This meeting shall be held at a time and place recommended by the Program Committee.
  4. Meetings of a technical or informative nature shall be held in keeping with the objectives of the SID.
  5. Special events may be arranged through the EC-SB.
  6. By April 1 of each year, the Student Branch shall submit to the Society a brief financial statement including total revenues and expenditures for the prior calendar year, and the current balance. By June 15 of each year, the Student Branch shall submit to the Society a summary of Student Branch activities for the previous academic year including the number of meetings held, a list of newly elected officers, the number of current Student Branch members, and a notice of significant meetings for the current academic year.

Article 9- FINANCES

  1. The fiscal year of the Student Branch shall be from 01/01 through 12/31 of a given academic year.
  2. The Student Branch is to conduct all activities without pecuniary benefit to the Student Branch Officers or Members. Any balance of money or assets remaining after the full payment of Student Branch obligations of all and any kinds shall be devoted solely to the above stated purposes.
  3. All funds of the Student Branch, other than petty cash, shall be kept in recognized banking or savings institutions. Expenditures of funds in excess of \10,000 for any single transaction shall have the approval of the EC-SB. Below that amount, Officer’s signature shall be sufficient. All expenditures shall fall within the general guidelines approved by the EC-SB. Expenditures incurred by the Officers or committee member may be reimbursed by the Student Branch upon a written expense report submitted to the Student Branch Treasurer and approved by the Treasurer.
  4. The books of account shall be open to inspection by the Affiliated SID Chapter and the SID Treasurer. The books of account shall be reviewed annually and upon change of the Treasurer or at the end of his term.
  5. Indebtedness of the Student Branch is only allowed with the approval of the Board of the SID.
  6. Funds and real property of the Student Branch shall revert to the SID upon the dissolution of the Student Branch.
  7. The Treasurer or Chair shall not commit the Student Branch to expenditures in excess of 75% of the Student Branch’s funds without prior written approval of the Treasurer of SID.


  1. The Student Branch may request funding, speakers, or other support for its activities from the Affiliated SID Chapter or from SID provided that the request is first endorsed by the Faculty Advisor. 
  2. SID can advise the Student Branch through the Affiliated SID Chapter, or directly, whenever necessary.
  3. A Student Branch shall be placed on inactive status if its membership declines below three for a period of 12 months. Assets of an inactive Student Branch shall be forwarded to the SID. Application for reactivation shall follow the same procedure as a petition for a new Student Branch. A Student Branch is inactive for two years shall be dissolved. 
  4. SID reserves the right to dissolve a Student Branch at any time if, in the judgment of the SID Board of Directors, such action is in the best interests of the SID.

ENACTED by the Board of SID Japan Chapter on May 16, 2021.

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